Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

It rained on my birthday . . . again. Since my birthday typically falls around our local city's "Rose Festival", it is no surprise that chances it will rain on my birthday. So this is what birthday girls do when it rains. It sure as heck won't stop us from sitting around the chiminea and drinking wine. We just bring out the pretty umbrellas! Despite the chilly rain, I had a pretty good birthday - celebrated with my family and friends. PS: Robyn (on the right) has a birthday the day before my birthday! So Happy Birthday to Me and Robyn!

1 comment:

  1. We are a crazy bunch of girls for sure!! But we know how to sport lovely umbrellas ... Sent this to Jodell our Mrs. Bella Umbrella...see got a kick out if it.
