Friday, December 28, 2012

Best of the season to you!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! My brother, Mike, gets a smooch from his sisters!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Nothing says Happy Holidays like a singing Christmas tree! My beautiful great-niece Jennifer is fourth row up and second from the left - pretty cute!
 Paulsen Ladies Christmas Brunch! Sunday, December 16th at Monarch in Clackamas - left to right: Jennifer, me, Ediy, Nancy, Regina and Kristine.
And here is the first snow fall this winter - Regina's backyard, Tuesday, December 18th - very pretty huh?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Columbus Day Storm 50th Anniversary!

Wes Luchau's photo of Campbell Hall Tower at Oregon College of Education in Monmouth
It was 50 years ago the Columbus Day Storm happened. I remember walking home with Regina and we would lean back into the wind. Our Girl Scouts meeting had been canceled. It was pretty exciting for us kids, we got eat pancakes for dinner (how exotic is that?) and camp out in the living room in front of the fireplace. The big cherry tree in the backyard did blow down and crash through our parents' bedroom window. I don't think our parents thought the storm was fun like we did. So what do you remember about the Columbus Day Storm?
Me and Reg in 1962

Friday, October 5, 2012

Snapfish Bites and other Grumblings

Happy Birthday to Regina - ok we're a little late, her birthday was September 11th. But I know she works her birthday for as long as she can.
I've been working on a photo book in Snapfish. That is up until about two weeks ago when I no longer could access the book to edit it. I've been in contact with their Customer Service people and have done everything they have suggested. Still nada, zip, zilch. Lovely photo book but unfortunately I cannot finish it. Snapfish bites.
I don't know about you but I am soooo enjoying this fall. Or lack of? The weather has been exceptional, I am so spoiled. When it starts raining again, and it will, it is going to suck . . . BIG TIME!!!!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Fun at the Beach!

Reg and Carla
We had a fabulous time at the beach Monday and Tuesday! The weather couldn't have been better. Lots of walks on the beach, shopping, casinos, movie and lots talking (oh yeah, wine was involved). Life is good when you have sisters! 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

California Visit!

Last weekend my sister Reg and I flew down to see our sister Carla (and bro-in-law Gene). Lucky for us, Alison and Oliver were visiting too! Needless to say, Oliver garnered a lot of attention from adoring Great Aunties!

Here is Alison with Oliver, discussing Bocce Ball courts and the best one ever is right in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard. Motherhood looks good on Alison - she just glows!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Good Morning!

On my way to the bus stop this morning I had to snap this picture. Sometimes you just have to stop and take a minute to be thankful for the things in your life. I am so thankful for my family and my wonderful job. I had a boss a few years back that used to say "someone is always fatter and uglier than you" - meaning no matter how much you think your life sucks, someone out there has it worse than you. So be grateful and take a minute to count your blessings!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

It rained on my birthday . . . again. Since my birthday typically falls around our local city's "Rose Festival", it is no surprise that chances it will rain on my birthday. So this is what birthday girls do when it rains. It sure as heck won't stop us from sitting around the chiminea and drinking wine. We just bring out the pretty umbrellas! Despite the chilly rain, I had a pretty good birthday - celebrated with my family and friends. PS: Robyn (on the right) has a birthday the day before my birthday! So Happy Birthday to Me and Robyn!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rest in Peace Samantha!

Rest in Peace Samantha
She was my Princess, Little Diva and Baby Girl. Yesterday I had to make the decision to let her go. Samantha was 18 years old and had a good long life. I'll miss her waiting for me in the kitchen when I get up in the morning - ready to tell me what she wanted for breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and bedtime snack and all the goodies inbetween. I'll miss her sitting on my lap while we watched our favorite shows "Sex and the City" and "Grey's Anatomy". Most of all, I'll miss her sassy attitude and running commentary about life as a Princess Cat.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Super Moon and Other Happenings

Saturday, May 5 was Cinco de Mayo AND Super Moon. Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independance Day - it is the celebration of the victory of Mexico over the French army in the state of Puebla in 1862. Mexico's army was not expected to win as France had a superior army. Cinco de Mayo is not widely celebrated in Mexico, it is celebrated primarily in Puebla and the United States. FYI, Mexico's Independance Day is September 16th. To add to the fiesta on Saturday, we had the Super Moon. This occurs when the moon's elliptical orbit brings the earth 31,000 miles closer - making the moon look 14% bigger and 30% brighter. The next one will occur in 2029. Did you see it?

Matthew & Jennifer
On Friday, May 4th the Aunties (Reg and I), Grandma Ediy, Michael and Kristine (parents of the show's star) attended the opening night of Molalla High School's play "Fools". Who is the star? That's Jennifer Paulsen of course. Ok, we are a little biased.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy Birthday to Michael!

Yesterday we celebrated my nephew Michael's 39th birthday. I remember the day he was born and I can't believe my brother and sister-in-law trusted me to babysit Michael when he was only three weeks old! Happy birthday Michael! You survived Auntie Kimmers babysitting!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Jennifer, a rising star!

Our newest star is my great-niece Jennifer. Jennifer was in her high school play "The Giver" - we attended on Saturday, February 25. "The Giver" was originally a novel by Lois Lowry about a boy named Jonas who becomes the Receiver of Memories in a futuristic society. She did a great job! Here's Jennifer with her Mom and Grandma L:

Monday, January 30, 2012

Oliver's Baptism

On Saturday, I attended my great nephew's baptism! Little Oliver became a Catholic. I was raised Catholic but this was my first baptism I've ever attended (except my own of course). And what a great weekend visiting family in Utah. I loved seeing everyone and especially meeting Oliver. Good times.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Zoo Lights!

My sister and I decided it would be fun to take our great niece and nephew to the Oregon Zoo Lights this year. Despite the rain, we had a great time! We stayed overnight at the Embassy Suites in downtown Portland, and made an adventure of it. We grabbed a quick dinner and then hopped on MAX and rode to the zoo, walked around and got lots of ideas for Xmas decorating next year. Then it was back to the hotel, hot cocoa, popcorn, cookies and watched TV and played games until midnight. I don't know if the kids were tired out but I was! Next morning we played in the hotel swimming pool, ate breakfast and went home. I vote we do this again next year!