Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas with the Paulsens!

I am not a big fan of Christmas. I feel it is way too commercialized and causes more anxiety and stress than there needs to be in anyone's life for just one day. Too many expectations that are never met and just too much "stuff". And that's just what Christmas is - it's just another day. But it's a day to just enjoy the company of family and loved ones. Be thankful for what you have and not what you "need" to acquire. Be thankful for every small blessing you've experienced throughout the year. And concentrate on paying it forward. Be aware of others that don't have the good fortune you have and don't be afraid to help! And most of all, appreciate family - it is the best thing a person can have!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas in the City

It's time for a visit to Pioneer Square to see Portland's Christmas tree! The picture here doesn't do it justice. The tree is decorated with a gazillion sparkly blue and white lights and looks just beautiful. I admit, I am not a big fan of Christmas but the tree lends a festive atmosphere to downtown Portland that is hard to resist. Even the Christmas Grinch would have to agree, Christmas in the City is a good thing!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving. I spent Turkey Day with my husband's family. What are you thankful for?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Happy Birthday to Carla!

Last week my sister Regina and I went to our sister, Carla's house for a long overdue Sister/Happy Birthday visit. Noticeably absent was Bangor, Carla and Gene's beloved Golden Retriever. Reg and I missed the "Woof" when we came to the door. We grieved for Bangor and celebrated Carla's 60th birthday. Bittersweet times.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Great Auntie Kimmers - again!

My niece, Alison, just had a baby! I am a Great Auntie again! Here's a picture of my niece, Christmas time about 1979. She's a cutie!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Life is short

A woman drove through Salmon Street Springs, plowed through the harbor wall and plunged into the Willamette River this morning about 2:45. By the time divers recovered her body, she was dead. Why did she do it? Was it an accident, perhaps fueled by alcohol? Speculation is maybe suicide? Sad, life is too short - why hurry it along? I dunno, it takes a lot of pain to want to end your life. I sure as hell am not ready to die! Life is way too sweet.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Sister!

Last Sunday, September 11 was my sister, Regina's birthday. Happy birthday to my sister and best friend! My hubby and I celebrated by hosting a birthday dinner for family. Here is one of her gifts, a itty-bitty volkswagen with a ghost hanging ten! Behr wishes Reg a happy birthday with lots of mice and everything nice!

Friday, September 16, 2011

A Little Country in the Big City

I really love working in downtown Portland, I have the best of both worlds. I live in the country and work in the city. But sometimes worlds collide. Walking down the street today, I saw this - a curious blend of country and city.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Wine Tasting Tour with My Sis

On Saturday, I went on a wine tasting tour with my sister, Reg and a few of her friends. The fun wasn't confined to the vineyards we visited. The "bus" (nicely outfitted with built-in bars, karaoke and a rockin' sound system) trip was like a traveling party!

Jan demonstrates the proper wine tasting technique.

Sue is our hostess with the most-ess!

Jan, leave the driver alone!!!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Work Peeps

Yesterday I attended a bridal shower for one of the VP's at work. Here are some of my Work Peeps: from left to right: Siobhan, Colleen, Kim, Sheri, Jeri, Mary and me! I am so lucky to have a job I love and be surrounded all day by some very nice people. And here's Siobhan (she was 2010 Central Catholic High School Rose Festival Princess), our summer intern and Gloria Holmes.

And this is Darwin, he is at the front desk greeting everyone as they come up to our floor.

And this is Kim Z., my wine buddy!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy Birthday to My August Peeps!

Sunday, August 6th, we hosted an August birthday party for my August B-day Peeps. A great time was had by all - I hope! Cake anyone?

Sox and I don't mean Sarbanes Oxley!

Sometimes knitters are stereotyped as old, staid ladies that sit around knitting stuff. If you were fortunate (and hip enough) to attend the Sock Summit held the weekend of July 30/31 at the Oregon Convention Center, the stereotype was blown out of the universe . . . literally. Not only was the vast array of yarn and knitting implements intoxicating - the people watching was out of this world. Older ladies with kool-aid dyed hair, young ladies proudly sporting their knitted stuff and even men were there. I dragged my sis, Reg, along with me but I think she had as much fun as I did! Best of all, the flash mob at the end of the day. Click on this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOUL_S6tVr8

Friday, July 22, 2011

Baby Shower!

My beautiful niece Alison is expecting! Since Alison lives in Utah with hubby Eric, we had to have an “Oregon” Baby Shower for her. On July 9th we got together and feted Alison’s impending motherhood. Alison and Baby Bulson received lots of very nice things – we can hardly wait to meet Baby soon!

It’s That Time of Year . . .

Just about everyone that knows me, knows my favorite holiday of the year is NOT Christmas. It’s Independence Day. For me it is the perfect holiday for 10 reasons:
1. It’s all about America and being a proud American!
2. It’s in the summer, sunshine versus snow – figure it out
4. Picnics!
5. Red, white and blue decorations versus red and green – go figure
6. No gifts, no stress, no expectations except that everyone has a good time
7. No trees are killed for this holiday
8. No stupid fat jolly guys dressed in red velvet and fur is required for this holiday
9. Watermelon, potato salad, BBQ, and beer!
10. Bocce Ball!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Goodbye Marshall High School!

Yep, Marshall High School is closing this year. Last weekend Reg and I went back to bid our high school a "fond" farewell at the Tribute Event on Saturday, June 4th. I hadn't been back since I graduated in 1973. Nope, it did not look any smaller to me than it did in 1973. But it looked shabby . . . run down, broken and very sad. They gave away old yearbooks - for FREE! I grabbed '64, '65, '66, '67 and '69 plus all the Verdicts (the high school newspaper) from '67/'68. Looking through the yearbooks, the school looked so clean and NEW! WTF happened? Years passed, neighborhood changed, demographics changed, and let's face it - it's a different world from when I was a teenager. Or not? If only I knew then what I know now . . .

what were we thinkin'?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

56 is a good age to be!

My birthday was yesterday. I will miss being 55, it was a fun year. But I'm grateful to celebrate another year. My sister-in-law Ediy and my brother Mike hosted the best birthday dinner on Saturday. My sisters, Carla and Regina, Reg's hubby Ron and my nephew Michael, wife Kristine and their wonderful kids Jennifer and Jonathan were all there. I love this family! I guess 56 won't be so bad, here's to mi hermosa familia (my beautiful family).

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tin Can Sculpture

Feed the Peeps!

It's a pear!

Go Timbers!

Every year Pioneer Place holds a contest featuring sculptures made of canned goods to benefit the Oregon Food Bank . I am always amazed at the creativity! Remember all of these displays are made entirely of canned food.

Love Oregon!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fun Times in Dubai

High tea at the Burj Al Arab

Waiting for my boyfriend, the Sheikh!

View from Burj Khalifa (the tallest building in the world!)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kiss Me, I'm Irish

Camels are very cute. Here is the camel I met this morning, Asscem. They don't smell, they don't poop too much and are an environmentally friendly mode of transportation. I think I want one but I'm going to have to see if I can park my camel in the parking lot at work.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

We're Outta Here!

Thursday starts a new adventure - I am off to Dubai with Reg and Ron! Stay tuned for exciting reports from Dubai - home of the tallest building (I think)!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

*!*&@ My Auntie Kimmers Says

Hey, have you been getting sinus headaches too? I don't know if it's that time of the year or what but Julio! (Jesus's brother) I have had my share of sinus headaches lately.

Hey! How is your heart? February is American Heart Association "Go Red for Women" month. Heart disease is the number 1 killer of women and only 55% of women realize this. Do you know your numbers (blood pressure and cholesterol)? My paternal grandmother died of a stroke at only age 58. My dear beloved maternal grandma died of heart disease at only age 69. This is serious stuff Ladies! The amazing women (and fellow) I work with, got together on Friday, Feb. 4 and wore red in honor of Go Red for Women.
Love your heart and energize your life!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Who has more rain: Portland OR or Forks WA?

This is about the time of year that I am SO ready to pack it all up and move to California . . . or anywhere it doesn't rain for seven months out of the year. I am sick of grey, cold and wet weather. It is time for some sunshine. So, since the weather is not going to cooperate, I will attempt to put a smile on your face with these photos:
Yep, it's those Paulsen girls!