Friday, November 26, 2010

It's a wonderful life!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving day. When I was a kid, we frequently went to Aunt Reta's for Thanksgiving dinner. My Uncle Vic and Granpa would sit and watch a football game while Aunt Reta, Granma and Mom were in the kitchen getting dinner ready. If the weather wasn't too wet, us kids would be out roaming around Aunt Reta's farm. Good times.

Last year the hubby and I spent Thanksgiving at my sister, Reg's house. That was a great year. This year, the inlaws came over.
My hubby made the dinner - as usual it was delicious. We toasted to good health and family.
I am very thankful for having a great job and boss to work for, good health, my beautiful family and being able to afford to procure everything I need. I am grateful to the men and women of our country that are in the armed forces, sacrificing their lives so we can continue to live in a free and democratic country. Whether you agree or disagree with the war, these people deserve our respect and support. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I remember Aunt Retta's get-togethers! She had what seemed like an enormous kitchen table! I loved visiting Aunt Retta and Grandma. Remember the trees? You could actually climb them. And "Sound Dog".
