Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Cats Rule . . . again

We've opened our house and hearts up to two kittens! Meet Billy Bob T. and Oscar. We adopted them on Friday, March 13. In the past five days, they have managed to turn our house upside down and we have totally fallen in love with them. They are more entertaining (and fun) than watching TV. Especially since most of the news is so depressing lately with coronavirus and the economy tanking. Aw hell, everything is closed down so what else are we going to do but watch two kittens wrestling and playing with anything not nailed down in our house? And we bought a van to haul our little family around in!
Stay healthy. Life is short, find something that makes you happy, makes you laugh and someone to love. Remember, as far as the economy and the damn coronavirus, this too shall pass.

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