Saturday, February 9, 2019

My Retired Ass!

Since I retired from PGE, I do not have to stress out over the weather anymore! It snows, I don't care - I am free to enjoy it without worrying about how I am going to get to work. You have to understand, working for a utility it is a condition of employment to report to work no matter the weather. You do not have the luxury of staying home because "the weather is bad". I'll never forget the winter of 1996 during  major outage, I had a co-worker use the excuse that she couldn't go to work because of her asthma. Whaaaaat????? It was a call center for Christ's sake. We were dealing with a major outage. I worked 12 hour days for two weeks without a day off. I didn't see Cyndi until the outage was over. Yeah, asthma my ass. Guess what Cyndi is doing now - she's a supervisor in customer service. Guess what I'm doing now - yeah, that's right, my ass is retired and I do not care!

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