Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rest in Peace Samantha!

Rest in Peace Samantha
She was my Princess, Little Diva and Baby Girl. Yesterday I had to make the decision to let her go. Samantha was 18 years old and had a good long life. I'll miss her waiting for me in the kitchen when I get up in the morning - ready to tell me what she wanted for breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and bedtime snack and all the goodies inbetween. I'll miss her sitting on my lap while we watched our favorite shows "Sex and the City" and "Grey's Anatomy". Most of all, I'll miss her sassy attitude and running commentary about life as a Princess Cat.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Super Moon and Other Happenings

Saturday, May 5 was Cinco de Mayo AND Super Moon. Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independance Day - it is the celebration of the victory of Mexico over the French army in the state of Puebla in 1862. Mexico's army was not expected to win as France had a superior army. Cinco de Mayo is not widely celebrated in Mexico, it is celebrated primarily in Puebla and the United States. FYI, Mexico's Independance Day is September 16th. To add to the fiesta on Saturday, we had the Super Moon. This occurs when the moon's elliptical orbit brings the earth 31,000 miles closer - making the moon look 14% bigger and 30% brighter. The next one will occur in 2029. Did you see it?

Matthew & Jennifer
On Friday, May 4th the Aunties (Reg and I), Grandma Ediy, Michael and Kristine (parents of the show's star) attended the opening night of Molalla High School's play "Fools". Who is the star? That's Jennifer Paulsen of course. Ok, we are a little biased.