Thursday, December 23, 2010

Princess For A Day

Our summer student's (and 2010 Central Catholic High School Rose Festival Princess) last day was Wednesday. She is off to start college at University of Southern California. All the assistants on the 17th floor will truly miss her but wish her all the best. Siobhan was one of the smartest, talented and personable young ladies I have ever had the opportunity to work with. I was constantly amazed at how mature she was for someone so young!

Before she left, she let us try on her Rose Festival tiara. I gotta admit, being Princess beats out just about everything else. Hey, can I rock that tiara or what?????? Darwin (our receptionist) does a pretty good job rockin the tiara too.


  1. OMG... you got to wear the tiara???????????? Gasp gasp. Heehee, Darwin looks pretty good in it.
    Isn't it refreshing to see young adults be real people? Thank you for sharing Kimberly sista

  2. Wow! THE tiara! You are looking good in that real live tiara babe. Like Reg said, thank you for sharing!
