Friday, July 22, 2011

Baby Shower!

My beautiful niece Alison is expecting! Since Alison lives in Utah with hubby Eric, we had to have an “Oregon” Baby Shower for her. On July 9th we got together and feted Alison’s impending motherhood. Alison and Baby Bulson received lots of very nice things – we can hardly wait to meet Baby soon!

It’s That Time of Year . . .

Just about everyone that knows me, knows my favorite holiday of the year is NOT Christmas. It’s Independence Day. For me it is the perfect holiday for 10 reasons:
1. It’s all about America and being a proud American!
2. It’s in the summer, sunshine versus snow – figure it out
4. Picnics!
5. Red, white and blue decorations versus red and green – go figure
6. No gifts, no stress, no expectations except that everyone has a good time
7. No trees are killed for this holiday
8. No stupid fat jolly guys dressed in red velvet and fur is required for this holiday
9. Watermelon, potato salad, BBQ, and beer!
10. Bocce Ball!